Monday, June 9, 2008

Lets go to the movies...

Well we took the girls to their first movies last night. We went to see "Kung Fu Panda". I would put one of those picture icons here but I am not savvy with the computer. So maybe you can just picture it in your head. You know that big panda in a kung fu stance. Yup that's the one. Well it started off great than after 10min of intro and trailers the movie started. About 20 min into the movie Claira started to get the wiggles. She wanted to walk around the dark theater of complete strangers and say "Hiiiiii"! She is into saying hi to strangers everywhere we go. So than she tried to stand on the seat with a booster in it. Screaming as I tried to catch her before she fell. We walked to the back of the theater and she touched all the lights that light the path. Jeremy and Madeleine had migrated to the very front row of the theater. Claira and I finally joined them. As we were all getting a bit of motion sickness watching animated kung fu we finally found our spot in the theater. The girls loved the front row and stayed there the rest of the time. All in all the movie was a blast of humor. We really enjoy Jack Black. We also made a family memory and spent a little too much for snacks and evening tickets. I think this will happen again....Next year!


Dana said...

That is an awesome memory!!! I love that Claira is saying hi to everyone :)

you guys are great parents!!!

Kerri said...

sounds like a movie night with my family. Micah has no concept of sitting still. We are going to attempt some movies this summer...we'll see how it goes