Friday, April 25, 2008

Life as a mom

I was successful taking my two girls to Costco today. Although as we were leaving Madeleine was starting to cry because we did not get a hot dog. Claira was crying because I would not hold her while trying to push the cart with all of our food and the girls. I was crying because I always spend about 2oo dollars at Costco. But all in all pretty good, we all started to cry at the end of the adventure. YES!!!

My girls love screaming, FOR FUN. They are not angry, mad, or frustrated. More like they are full of joy. They love doing things that make each other laugh and well this is one of them. Both scream at the top of their lungs a high pitched squeal. Oh yeah, they only do this in the car when I am driving. I try and tell them to stop but THEY CAN'T HEAR ME. Sorry so use to yelling to be heard.

Madeleine pinned Claira down this morning for the 13 time. This time to just kiss her head, fingers, arms, elbows, etc. Claira tries to fight with her whole being to get this aggressive sister who loves her terribly off of her. Claira weighs about the same so I am sure Madeleine will soon get her dose. That will be fun

Panicked for a few seconds, I heard from someone who heard from someone else that pre-school was booked for the fall. I called Jeremy to check it out (he works at the school) false alarm still plenty of room. Really, what would I have done.....Pre-school in the fall keeps me going through all of this. (I am only kind of joking). By the way for other mom's out there who think I am horrible because I really have no desire to home school it's only a half day pre-school.

Went to get adjusted at the chiropractor and every time we go Madeleine brings one of her toys to get adjusted (ie. car, castle, baby). Yes, my children get adjusted have since the day they were born. Plus Claira has gone due to injuries from her sister. A popped out rib once. They really need it.

Just some little random things in my life. Until next time....


Anonymous said...

Funny!!! I love the part about Claira getting old enough one day to fight back. Keep blogging!!!

Dana said...

I miss you TOO!!!!! I need an AMy day or at least an Amy talk...
I loved this blog too! You are so witty at explaining your day and your emotions.

My fav part was telling the other moms that you aren't horrible...hehehe You are an AMAZING mom and I hope I am like you when I get the chance to be a mom.

Love you and loved your text today. That meant a lot and I know you don't have a text plan so it meant that much more!

Court said...

I found your blog through Shannon's. I love reading everything you have to say. I have to laugh at your posts because I totally get it, I feel what you feel as a Mom. I love your humor in it all:)

Shannon said...

you make me laugh!

Cheryl said...

Wait! Is this Amy Burger?? Not sure if I spelled that right. It's Cheryl (Former RD at Simpson)! I followed your link from Dana! You are too funny, as usual. Ok, I have a stinky boy to go tend to but I'll be back!